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Bust Magazine / Volume 99

This month I picked up Bust Magazine for the first time and WOW. I liked it a whole lot. Bust's website describes the magazine as, "a cheeky celebration of all things female and a trusted authority on up-and-coming trends among discerning, educated, and culturally aware women." Nothing about that statement doesn't sound awesome to me, so it's no wonder why I loved this magazine.

My friend, and fellow Queen, was the reason I initially picked up this magazine. She was excited about the article covering Kathleen Hanna, and passed that excitement on to me. I had never even heard of this betch before, but after seeing the cover and the statement about her being "Rock's Reigning Feminist," I was like, k. Probs should read that. AND I'M GLAD I DID. Obvo, anything feminist is an immediate hit for me, since I need to know more, MORE! Educate yourselves, losers. BUT ALSO the Magazine is called Bust... so duh.

There were tons of cute little tid bits throughout the magazine, like an original-mini erotica story (which was totally hot), some drink and food recipes (that I'll never use), and even some music, movie, and book reviews that used a boob rating system (5/5 boobs was the best rating, which was actually confusing to see all in a row, cause I'm so used to just 2). What I really loved about this magazine, though, were the main articles! Particularly the one about Kathleen Hanna, and another about a woman's adventures in the world of dating apps.

Rebel Girl by Lisa Butterworth was my first ever introduction to Kathleen Hanna, and I feel like I got just enough background and general info on what she's all about. At least enough to send me into a fangirling craze, which drove me to listen to a bunch of Bikini Kill and Le Tigre songs on YouTube (which, if you're like me and didn't know, are both bands Hanna was in). So while I loved the article, I loved it even more for what it did to draw my attention to this magical world of girl-power-punk-rock. Three of my favourite songs that I came across, by Bikini Kill, are Rebel Girl, White Boy, and Double Dare Ya.

Fav line from Rebel Girl: "That girl thinks she's the queen of the neighbourhood, I got news for you, she is."

Fav line from White Boy: "It's hard to talk with your dick in my mouth."

Fav line from Double Dare Ya: "Dare ya to cry right out loud, you get so emotional baby."

SO YA. Bikini Kill is the shit. After reading the article, I spent the rest of the night listening to their music at full blast and jumping around my house. So empowering, so girl power, so everything I love. Probably you should check it out if you have a vagina (physically or mentally). Even if you don't have one, you will probs like it if you're a cool and a decent human being. But it does now hold a special place in my vagina heart.

The second article I want to spotlight, Swiping for Mr. Right by Callie Watts, also really got my inner feminist going; middle fingers waving with her nipples out. The article was about the author's experience using dating apps, which I have basically zero personal experience with (except for finding suitable potential bfs for my sister on her Bumble account), so it was cool to learn more about how a variety of apps actually work. Which is basically the same, lol. Mostly what I enjoyed about this article was the author herself, who is totally badass and confident and COOL. She went on some seriously nutso dates with some weirdly-hot dudes. It also sounded like she had some pretty fun makeout seshes, which was just cool to read about/live through. I feel like I've been hearing/reading about a lot of dating app experiences lately, but the actual dates in this article were super unique and weird, and I loved how fresh it was. Also really awesome were the author's attitudes towards dating and sex, which I found to be very inspiring. SO YAY.

I definitely can't wait to pick up the next issue of Bust. I think it's going to be one of my new favourite magazines :) ALTHOUGH, super lame-o that it only comes out 6 times a year. Whatevs, I guess.

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