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Book Review / Flesh by Kylie Scott

Title: Flesh

Author: Kylie Scott

Format: eBook

Summary: "Ali has been hiding in an attic since civilization collapsed eight weeks ago.

When the plague hit, her neighbours turned into mindless, hungry, homicidal maniacs.

Daniel has been a loner his entire life. Then the world empties and he realizes that being alone isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Finn is a former cop who is desperate for companionship, and willing to do anything it takes to protect the survivors around him.

When the three cross paths they band together; sparks fly, romance blooms in the wasteland and Ali, Daniel and Finn bend to their very human needs in the ruins of civilization.

Lust, love and trust all come under fire in Flesh as the three battle to survive, hunted through the suburban wastelands."

-- Taken from the eBook


Alright well WTF. LOL what did I read?!?!? Oh my god you guys...

SO K, I picked this up because it's the book of the month for this new book club I joined (Vaginal Fantasy). It's supposed to be a romance novel book club, which I'm all for, and also it has "vaginal" in the name, which makes me double all for it. This month's book, Flesh, is an erotica novel set during a zombie apocalypse... WHICH IS ALL GOOD. Totally get that that's a thing for people, but I am not the biggest zombie fan (to put it lightly) and also I have had very poor luck with erotica in the past. BUT I was like, k. Gotta test out the Vaginal Fantasy waters, cause they do a cool video chat at the end of every month AND I NEED TO BE UP TO SPEED ON WHAT THEY'RE READING. Sorry, that's a lot of yelling. But I'm heated, you guys. So anyway, THIS BOOK. It might be sounding like I didn't like it, but I totally DID, and I crushed it in just a couple sittings. It was very entertaining. AND VERY STEAMY. Like ohmygod. It was the steamiest thing I've ever read! The sex was crazy, ya'll.

So I liked this a lot, BUT ALSO. I hated it. If you like strong, independent female characters, then you will probs not like this book. And if you don't want spoilers, you should probs stop reading now, because I'm about to drop some bombs.

K first of all. This was a bit rape-y, right? Liiiiiike, pretty rape-y in parts. The first time Ali had sex with Finn she was like, "hey dude, stop please." AND HE WAS LIKE NAH, YOU LIKE IT. So that's pretty not-cool. And the whole bullshit with Dan and Finn "protecting her," and wanting to "keep her safe," like that wasn't because they "loved her," it was because there were no other women around, and they wanted to make sure they kept "their woman" alive so they'd have someone to fuck. Like hi. THAT'S NO BEUNO. And oh my fucking god, every time Dan called Ali "his girl" (which he said ever since the very first instance they met) or said "hush, woman," I almost lost my shit! Stop trying to control her and boss her around and call it "protecting her." Fuck you, buddy. Dan for realsies got me pissed during the first half of the book. Towards the end, I feel like he backed off a little, but still. OH AND AND AND, he pretty much pimped Ali out to Finn, right? Like come on. Ugggggggg. Craziness.

Besides all that fucked up shit, I WILL SAY that the plot wasn't too horrible. I've never watched The Walking Dead (cause ya, I hate zombies), but it seemed to have some similarities to that. Like finding a little town of uninfected to live in. And you know. Zombies. Don't get me wrong, the book was obviously mostly sex (and that would be the only reason to read this book), but it was cool to have some not-totally-crap plot mixed in to at least make me feel like I wasn't just reading porn. Cause this is porn, you guys. And despite all my issues with the characters (and how they treat women), I still found the sex to be extremely extremely hot. So fuck me, right? I guess I'm just a horrible feminist/person...

But three-ways, people. THREE. WAYS.

Also the forums are fucking hilarious. My fav is the discussion about "Flesh Casting," where some awesome person casted characters from League of Legends. I fucking love the internet.

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