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Book Review / The Elite (The Selection #2) by Kiera Cass

Title: The Elite

Author: Kiera Cass

Format: Paperback

Pages: 323

Summary: "The Selection began with thirty-five girls. Now, with the group narrowed

down to the Elite, the competition to win Prince Maxon's heart is fiercer than ever - and America is still struggling to decide where her own heart truly lies. Is it with Maxon, who could make her life a fairy tale? Or with her first love, Aspen, who she always thought was the one?

America is desperate for more time. But the rest of the Elite know exactly what they want - and America's chance to choose is about to slip away."

-- Taken from the back of the book


OK so yeah, this is the second book in a series, and we haven't posted a review for the first book. You're probs like, why are they reviewing this book when they've never covered the first, and why would I read this review when it's going to be full of spoilers for a series I've never even heard of? AND TO THAT I will answer with the wise words of Yeezy; because my life is dope, and I do dope shit. (*and yeah I know that's Dave Chapelle in the gif, but just brush up on your pop culture, jeez)

Also like, calm down. If you haven't already started this series, your life is totes boring. But also, I will give you a little* synopsis for the first book. Then you can go pick up The Selection from your local bstore, read it (and really, get your life back on track), then join the rest of us adults back here to read this review. Cool?

SO BASICALLY, The Selection is the like the show The Bachelor. So that's obviously a solid a start. But it's better than The Bachelor because it takes place in a dystopian-ISH world, where people are divided into different numbered castes that determine which kind of lives, jobs and cool/uncool clothes that they'll have. Sevens (or maybe Eights, I don't know, but also whatever, they're not important) are at the very bottom of the system, and their lives are like, super sad and smelly cause they're homeless. The lower your number, the better off you are, and if you're a ONE, that means you're royalty. So there is just a small family of Ones who rule the country through a monarchy. BUT BUT BUT The Bachelor shiz comes into play because Maxon, THE PRINCE, needs to find a wife before he can become king, AND the way he finds his wife is through a "Selection." 35 girls are chosen "randomly" (so, the hot ones) from each of the different provinces that make up the country of "Illéa." So like. The Bachelor happens. Except it's better because if you win you get to be princess and also all the girls get to live in a fancy palace with personal maids and shit. The story follows our main character, America, as she goes from being a loser five who dates poor people, to a Selected betch who gets cozy with the prince.

I feel some judge-y vibes coming off of you after reading that outstanding** synopsis, so I just want to tell you to stop being such a snob and for once in your life, not judge a book by it's cover/entire premise. If this series sounds like fluff to you, then you're correct, it is. But it's wonderful fluff that you well devour and love because you're cool and realize that books don't need to be literary masterpieces in order to be entertaining. Even if you're sceptical, just go give it a shot. You will not be the first person I turned onto this series, and if you're like me (which you want to be), then you will enjoy this series and fangirl over Maxon over and over again. (ya this is my third read-through of this series, betch)

Alright so it's finally the time for some actual review type shit on this book. THE SPOILERS WILL START HERE, so if you haven't already read this book (and if you're not a cheating loser), then now is the time to peace out. BYE... K like for real, I'm going to start dropping spoilers right meow.

The biggest thing I want to talk about is actually the main character, America (YA don't worry, I also puke every time I see that name). She gets the worst rep for being indecisive and "stupid" in this series, ESPECIALLY so in this book. I'll admit that I have also been guilty of seeing her in that kind of negative light, because during my first couple read-throughs of this book, I was so crazy annoyed by her and her back-and-forth-ness between Maxon and Aspen (and don't get me started on Aspen, uggg more on that loser later). BUT this time reading it, I'm defs older and totes wiser, so I can see now that America is just the coolest betch (for her age). OK so ya, she jumps back and forth a lot, and makes a lot of rash decisions that could jeopardize her place in the competition, BUT THAT'S BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK. When we're reading the story, we just want her to win and be with Maxon, so whenever she does something stupid (like piss of the King by proposing to end the caste system on national television) we're like, "Noooooo oh my god you're so stupid, You're for reals going to get kicked out this time." But America doesn't care about winning. Even from the beginning, that has been the last thing on her mind, and she acts in ways that are true to herself (barf, I know, but true). She's not putting on a show for anyone, not even Maxon, who is obvs hot and totes someone you would want to manipulate into liking you. She's never willing to compromise her moral values, even if she ends up making a total ass of herself, and that's fucking rad. Also keep in mind that she's like, only 17, so she's going to make some mistakes. Fucking duh. The other shit about her being back-and-forth between Maxon and Aspen is also TOTALLY JUSTIFIED. Let me draw your attention to Chapter 5, page 40, when America finally gives Maxon what he's been asking for, and tells him that they'd be "a good us." After that conversation, it finally seems like they're on the same page (ew, puns), but then Maxon stops seeing her and starts going on more dates with the other girls... America is then like, "woah wtf dude," and pumps the breaks like any smart betch would do after feeling rejected like that. AND THEN MAXON IS ALL MAD AND CONFUSED AS TO WHY SHE'S ACTING SO DISTANT. Like oh my god, Maxon, you are hot by wow, I think you're the stupid and indecisive one in this story.

Ok so, I realize that this review is starting to get long AF, so I'll just say two more quick things:

1. Aspen is a hater, and the moment he told America that he didn't believe she has what it takes to be Princess and to rule... BYE. Also this convo that they have from Chapter 12, page 122, when America is feeling down about herself:

"You're not stupid." - Aspen

"I am, too."

"Mer do you think I'm smart?"

"Of course."

"That's because I am. And I'm way too smart to be love with a stupid girl. So you can drop that right now." ......

2. Maxon is ultra sweet and hot and I would totally rock his world IRL. Just saying.

SO YA. This book was pretty cool and this series is super fun. If you like girl power and making out, you should probs read this.


**not great

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